Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

My Curriculum Vitae

Name : Galuh Pertiwi
Place, Date of Birth : Depok, 30 March 1993
Address : Villa Pertiwi Estate Block AF number 11
Religion : Moslem
Nationality : Indonesian
Status : Single / Unmarried
Phone Number : 087780271716
Formal Education : 
·         SD Yaspen Tugu Ibu Depok II Tengah
·         Pondok Pesantren Al-Hamidiyah
·         SMP Yaspen Tugu IBu Depok II Tengah
·         SMA Yaspen Tugu IBu Depok II Tengah

InforInformal Education :
·         LBPP LIA Course

My Application Letter

                                                                                                                                                       Jakarta, May 6, 2014

Attention To:
Mr. Andre
Resources Manager
PT. Centra
Jl. Cendrawasih No. 45
Jakarta Pusat

Dear Mr. Andre,
I want to apply for the position of communications manager advertised in the newspaper.
I have more than one year of experience as a communications manager at PT Centra and has experience in business communication ideas. My computer skills are very good, and I have a very good record as, productive employees who can be relied upon.
I am looking for new challenges and Communications Manager posistion sounded perfect opportunity. Your organization has a record of innovation in financial cosultant investors, and an excellent reputation as an employer, to make it even more attractive position.
I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview at the time you specify.

Sincerely yours,

Galuh Pertiwi

Business Communication

Now, in business environment needs effective communication skills. The ability to communicate will affect public perception to you as a business professional. This is where communication plays an important role in improving the efficiency, quality, responsiveness, and innovation in the field of business. Here are five characteristics of effective business: Provide useful information to the public (Provide useful information to help them perform the desired actions or understand the new company policy); Give the facts to the people not the impression of the language; Present information in a concise and efficient; Clarify expectations and responsibilities (Speak clearly what you want from the audience or what you can do to the audience); Give offer attractive, persuasive arguments and recommendations.
As good as any man in the field, employers, hoping the person competent in terms of business komunikaasi.
Different business communication with social communication are affected by globalization, religion, information, technology, teamwork. Effective strategies for communicating at work: Understand the communication process so that you can receive messages effectively, Reduce distractions in your environment, Enhance your business communication skills, business etiquette Sensitive to. The use of technology in your business is very helpful in terms of business communication. Ethical communication is very important for your business, because communication is the public face of a company.
The team has an important role in helping an organization to achieve its goals, but the team is not appropriate for every situation. Companies must calculate gains and losses in the team. Advantages of a successful team: Improving information and knowledge, Improving multiple views, Improving wide range of solutions, Having a higher job performance. Loss team in the business: Group think, the hidden agenda of activities, free riders, Cost.
Here are the characteristics of effective teams in business: Emergence of communication both within the team (Working together to create web, presentations, and other business communications project gives teams the opportunity to utilize the skills of communication or presentation of each person); Team dynamics (process interactions that occur between members of a team called the dynamics of the group, each member of the group maminkan roles that affect the results of the group); Ethics in a group setting. Using technology in the meeting is very important, technology helps team members to interact virtually. With virtual meetings help the team break the barriers of time and distance. Increasing non-verbal communication in business communication. Non-verbal communication is the interpersonal process to send and receive information either on purpose or not, without the use of written or spoken language.
The challenge of communicating across cultures. Cultural diversity business enterprises affect how the message can be understood, developed, delivered, accepted and can be interpreted to the public. That requires a broad cultural understanding of how culture affects language to prevent miscommunication. Culture is a shared system with symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values​​, expectations, norms for behavior. Our culture is what affects our communication. Improving intercultural communication throughout your career by learning another language. Menulisa and good language to help you in your business.

Summary from youtube :